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I’m an Interaction Designer 
in Motion

I’m an Interaction
Designer in Motion

... and I love building beautiful products.


I truly believe that user interfaces need to be designed with rhythm and flow. I create those interfaces holistically by looking through my Interaction Design, Visual Design and Motion Design lenses. I believe that creating meaningful interactions is no longer a static set of screens, but requires motion to explain the UI’s behaviour, while making the user’s time more pleasurable. The beauty of motion is that it mimics physicality while it keeps the flexibility of the digital world.

I am devoted to quality and I strive for a unification of Design and Development in order to create together the most awesome experiences.

how I do stuff

I think in Systems

Each design starts with understanding the core of a problem. WHY and WHAT am I trying to solve here. I love tinkering with complex information and find beauty in systematic thinking and clarification.

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Scribble to understand

I scribble and shuffle information until big data sets are made sense of and complex processes are clarified. It allows me to be creative and removes ambiguity while being able to create a strong rational.

Visualise to clarify

In order to make the core as understandable as possible, I create schematic visualisations that show how bits and pieces are connected and impact each other. Mastering the complexity allows to search for simplicity.

Create logical flows

The gathered knowledge helps me to create logical and consistent flows in the UI. Understanding the core allows me to design with a strong rational for happy flows and edge cases.

Create consistent UI Models

I create intuitive UI models that help the user navigate with a clear mental model. It communicates how things are connected, while keeping in account the relevancy of which information is needed at which point in time.

I Orchestrate Information

I like the challenge of focussing on the essential in order to reduce distraction and simplify the interface. I like the orchestration of information where each information snippet is properly set without cluttering, wasting valuable space, and screaming for unintended attention

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Design for relevancy

In order to create a meaningful experience, I need to understand which information is relevant at which point in time. Designing in digestible chunks means understanding which portion of information the user needs at a glance and which can be subtle, but visible as the user needs it.

Declutter the UI

I always strive for removing redundant information and offer minimal information for maximal understanding. This reduction of noise allows a clear focus, which helps scanning the UI.

Make the user feel confident

A predictable UI gives the user confidence in making the right decisions. Therefore I help the user to create a clear mental model of the UI, which sets expectation of the outcome of an action. I am searching for ways to minimise misunderstanding and decrease anxiety by creating a low learning curve, which builds trust and encourages the user to explore.

I Create Experiences

I am passionate about creating and shaping experiences that impact the user and connect the digital with the physical world. I enjoy thinking holistically to understand how an experience can be tailored to the user's needs.

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Design for User Needs

The user in the centre of each design. Understanding their situation and figuring out what they need, or what their pain points are, is the start for a meaningful and tailored experience.

Stepping away from the screen

I enjoy those projects which allow me to think outside the screen. A well designed experience keeps the context in mind and combines the real life with the digital experience: It enhance the physical experience with digital layer.

Seamless Experience across Devices

I order to allow a seamless experience across multiple devices, I strive for consistency among the functionality and the presented information. At the same time I keep the purpose of each device in mind, and how one can extend the other.

Design for Delight

I like the idea of designing for a pleasurable but meaningful moment. This builds an emotional connection, which eventually leads to more joy of use and build trust in the product. It can build up a signature moment which conveys personality and defines a character of a product.

I Tell Stories in Motion

Motion storytelling brings a vision to life by setting a mood and visualising the context. It makes an idea feel real and allows the audience to dream with you. I constantly push myself to transform the way I tell stories in motion, to fit the right purpose and create a tight and cohesive narrative.

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Concepts in Motion

Telling the story around a concept can be demonstrated throughout a user journey how the product impacts in a much larger context. It builds empathy for the user and communicates how the product is interacted with at each touchpoint across multiple channels.

Make it look real

Working with real life footage makes a concept even more graspable. Video prototyping can be a powerful tool when it comes to communicating a vision of a technology. This can bring a visionary idea to life and show its potential.

UI in Motion

Showing the UI in motion is a great way to communicate the vision of the UI’s behaviour in action. Rather then showing static comps, it can demonstrate how the UI will behave and feel in action.

I Prototype

An interaction is not static, therefore I am constantly looking for ways to integrate motion in the design process with interactive prototypes and motion studies to push the boundaries of static representations. Prototyping brings the interaction to life – It means seeing it and especially feeling it.

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Motion studies

Expressing myself in motion works for me as an idea-generator and helps me to get creative. Approaching an UI solution by considering the forth dimension allows me to rather think and communicate in behaviours, than in static wireframes.

Interactive prototypes

Creating interactive prototypes allows me to give something tangible into people’s hand in order to communicate approaches and gather feedback early in the process. Potential problems with the interaction become visible as soon as people see the UI in action and can actually feel and use it.

Unification of Dev and Design

I enjoy working with multidisciplinary teams across the world, who are devoted to search together for the most elegant and intuitive design solution. It is about finding the right balance between the needs of users and the abilities of technology. By understanding both, the possibilities and limitations of technology, allows us to be creative. I think that this unification of design and technology is what creates an innovative, delightful and meaningful experience.

my own stuff

Meaningful Transitions

This website is the output of a research on "Meaningful Transitions - Motion Graphics in the User Interface". The website's purpose it to document transitions in a clustered way in order to show and explain how motion can enhance the user experience in a cognitive and emotional way.

See www.ui-motion.com 
Next steps: Redesign & updating transitions

Generative Motion in the UI

I am researching and testing if motion can be more than just the transition between two states. If the content itself has influence on how it moves, that behaviour could communicate the content itself. For example scrolling a longer list has more inertia than a shorter list.

Next steps: Continue with the research and start prototyping

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